Sony Simplicity Phone Concept

Sony Simplicity Phone Concept, good looking “dumb” phone.

The Sony Simplicity Concept is a mobile phone, just a phone, nothing else. It’s made for people that don’t need the modern functions like SMS, Organizer, Camera, E-Mail, surfing and so on, it’s made for people that just want to communicate via phone. Just like in the good old days.

Sony Simplicity, good looking “dumb” phone, that does only one thing. It’s a cell phone, nothing else.

Sony Simplicity Phone Concept

It appears to have a touchscreen display, an no physical keypad, Complete opposite of “smart” phone, we love this simple and elegant phone concept. Designers Julien Jockers and Manuel Irritier.

Sony Simplicity, good looking “dumb” phone, that does only one thing. It’s a cell phone, nothing else.

Sony Simplicity Phone Concept

Sony Simplicity, good looking “dumb” phone, that does only one thing. It’s a cell phone, nothing else.

Sony Simplicity Phone Concept

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Our Take:

 We love this concept.
 Very good looking.
 Unfortunately this would never sell well, people love “smart” pones.

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