Bentley EXP 10 speed 6 concept

Bentley EXP 10 speed 6 concept is the future of luxury and performance.

Two seater Bentley ‘EXP 10 speed 6′ sportscar concept combines modern automotive design, skilled hand-craftsmanship, fine materials and advanced technology.

Bentley EXP 10 speed 6 concept is the future of luxury and performance. It's a two seater luxury sports car. The future of Bentley’s design ambition.

Bentley EXP 10 speed 6 concept car.

See the future of Bentley’s design ambition. Today.

Bentley EXP 10 speed 6 concept is the future of luxury and performance. It's a two seater luxury sports car. The future of Bentley’s design ambition.

Bentley EXP 10 speed 6 concept car.

This is a first look at our British interpretation of a pinnacle luxury, high performance two-seater sports car. A bold statement, and one which reflects Bentley’s progressive ideology in the use of ultra-modern automotive design, highly skilled handcrafting, the finest materials and advanced performance technology.

Bentley EXP 10 speed 6 concept is the future of luxury and performance. It's a two seater luxury sports car. The future of Bentley’s design ambition.

Bentley EXP 10 speed 6 concept car.

Continuing the exterior’s clean, modern surfaces, the elegant interior also represents the British brand’s unmistakable DNA
3D metal printing has allowed the fabrication of the grille mesh, exhausts, door handles and side vents.

Bentley EXP 10 speed 6 concept is the future of luxury and performance. It's a two seater luxury sports car. The future of Bentley’s design ambition.

Bentley EXP 10 speed 6 concept car.

The inspiration for the interior comes from the continuous line that runs around the cabin, driving through the console into two symmetrical wings before flowing into the door and looping back into the console armrest. Two quilted sports seats are positioned either side of the narros centre console which houses exquisite driver controls and a highly intuitive 12″ touch screen. These features combine futuristic technology seamlessly with progressive Bentley craftsmanship.

Bentley EXP 10 speed 6 concept is the future of luxury and performance. It's a two seater luxury sports car. The future of Bentley’s design ambition.

Bentley EXP 10 speed 6 concept car.

The doors have 3D quilting, milled directly in to solid straight-grain cherry wood.

Bentley EXP 10 speed 6 concept is the future of luxury and performance. It's a two seater luxury sports car. The future of Bentley’s design ambition.

Bentley EXP 10 speed 6 concept car.

The center console houses the 12-inch touch screen and the driver controls. The interior showcases hand-craftsmanship using fine materials

Bentley EXP 10 speed 6 concept is the future of luxury and performance. It's a two seater luxury sports car. The future of Bentley’s design ambition.

Bentley EXP 10 speed 6 concept car.

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Our Take:

Great concept car.
Looks awesome.

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