Swing Toothpaste
Swing Toothpaste squeeze last drop out.
Very simple idea, how to squeeze last drop of toothpaste from the packaging. Five students from a University in South Korea came together and designed the packaging concept which they have dubbed The Swing Toothpaste. Sungmin Hong, Yubin Choi, Yun Kim, Mi Jang and Seokgu Hwang.
By adding a hole at the end of the tube, it allows the users to spin it in order to push the toothpaste towards the top thanks to centrifugal force, and avoid waste or pesky squeezing. Simple and effective.
It is very interesting and cool idea. Unfortunately it looks very expensive to produce such packaging, and we don’t see a real problem that needs a fix. It’s not that difficult to squeeze toothpaste from existing toothpaste tube. It’s the solution to the problem that doesn’t really exist.
Our Take:
Very creative idea.
Looks very interesting.
Current toothpaste packaging works fine.