3d Printed Beer Lock

3D printed beer lock, don’t let anyone still your beer.

How do you protect your beers from your thirsty family members?

To solve this problem Jonathan Odom, designers at the Instructables Design Studio, has developed a 3D printable beer bottle lock that will protect your prizes beer from the unwanted guests.

3d Printed Beer Lock. Don’t let anyone still your beer. Jonathan Odom created beer bottle lock. 3d print.

3d Printed Beer Lock protects your brew.

Jonathan developed an attractive looking clasp that can be easily placed on top of a bottle cap, and can be cleverly locked with a small padlock.

3d Printed Beer Lock. Don’t let anyone still your beer. Jonathan Odom created beer bottle lock. 3d print.

3d Printed Beer Lock protects your brew.

Very cool use of a 3d printer, perfect for a college students.

3d Printed Beer Lock. Don’t let anyone still your beer. Jonathan Odom created beer bottle lock. 3d print.

3d Printed Beer Lock protects your brew.

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Our Take:

Cool idea.
Very creative use of 3d printer.

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